D Rosenfeld, H Field, YJ Kim, KKL Pang, K Nagao, F Koehler, P Anikeeva. 2022.Magnetothermal Modulation of Calcium‐Dependent Nerve Growth. Advanced Functional Materials, 0224558
Lisa Y Maeng*, Dekel Rosenfeld*, Gregory J Simandl, Florian Koehler, Alexander W Senko, Junsang Moon, Georgios Varnavides, Maria F Murillo, Adriano E Reimer, Aaron Wald, Polina Anikeeva, Alik S Widge. 2022. Probing Neuro-Endocrine Interactions Through Remote Magnetothermal Adrenal Stimulation.Frontiers in Neuroscience.16
*Equal contribution

Sarah-Anna Hescham, Po-Han Chiang, Danijela Gregurec, Junsang Moon, Michael G Christiansen, Ali Jahanshahi, Huajie Liu, Dekel Rosenfeld, Arnd Pralle, Polina Anikeeva, Yasin Temel. 2021. Magnetothermal nanoparticle technology alleviates parkinsonian-like symptoms in mice. Nature communications. 12 (1), 1-10
Marc‐Joseph Antonini, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Anthony Tabet, Miriam Schwalm, Dekel Rosenfeld, Indie Garwood, Jimin Park, Gabriel Loke, Tural Khudiyev, Mehmet Kanik, Nathan Corbin, Andres Canales, Alan Jasanoff, Yoel Fink, Polina Anikeeva. 2021. Customizing MRI‐Compatible Multifunctional Neural Interfaces through Fiber Drawing. Advanced Functional Materials. 2104857
Anthony Tabet, Marc-Joseph Antonini, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Jimin Park, Dekel Rosenfeld, Florian Koehler, Hyunwoo Yuk, Samuel Hanson, Jordan A Stinson, Melissa Stok, Xuanhe Zhao, Chun Wang, Polina Anikeeva. 2021. Modular integration of hydrogel neural interfaces. ACS Central Science. 7, 9, 1516–1523
Dena Shahriari*, Dekel Rosenfeld*, Polina Anikeeva. Emerging frontier of peripheral nerve and organ interfaces. Neuron. In press *Equal contribution
Dekel Rosenfeld, Alexander W. Senko, Junsang Moon, Isabel Yick, Georgios Varnavides, Danijela Gregureć, Florian Koehler, Po-Han Chiang, Michael G. Christiansen, Lisa Y. Maeng, Alik S. Widge and Polina Anikeeva. 2020. Transgene-free remote magnetothermal regulation of adrenal hormones. Science Advances. 6 (15), eaaz3734.
Jimin Park, Kyoungsuk Jin, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Po-Han Chiang , Florian Koehler, Dekel Rosenfeld, Joseph Maalouf, Siyuan Rao, Tomo Tanaka, Tural Khudiyev, Yoel Fink, Karthish Manthiram and Polina Anikeeva. 2020. In situ electrochemical generation of nitric oxide for spatiotemporally precise neuronal modulation. Nature nanotechnology. 15 (8), 690-697.
Junsang Moon, Michael Christiansen, Siyuan Rao, Colin Marcus , David Bono, Dekel Rosenfeld ,Danijela Gregurec ,Georgios Varnavides, Po-Han Chiang, Seongjun Park and Polina Anikeeva. 2020. Magnetothermal multiplexing for selective remote control of cell signaling. Advanced Functional Materials. 30 (36), 2000577.
Danijela Gregurec, Alexander Senko, Andrey Chuvilin, Pooja Reddy, Ashwin Sankararaman, Dekel Rosenfeld, Po-Han Chiang,; Francisco Garcia, Ian Tafel, Georgios Varnavides, Eugenia Ciocan, Polina Anikeeva. 2020. Tuning the magnetic vortex state in magnetite nanodiscs for remote control of biological signaling. ACS Nano. 14 (7), 8036-8045.

Jonathan Avesar, Yaron Blinder, Hadar Aktin, Ariel Szklanny, Dekel Rosenfeld, Yonatan Savir, Moran Bercovici, Shulamit Levenberg. 2018. Nanoliter cell culture array with tunable chemical gradients. Analytical Chemistry. 90 (12), 7480-7488.
Jonathan Avesar, Dekel Rosenfeld, Marianna Truman-Rosentsvit, Tom Ben Arye, Yuval Geffen, Moran Bercovici, and Shulamit Levenberg. 2017. Rapid phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing using nanoliter arrays. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114 (29), E5787-E5795.
Alina Freiman, Yulia Shandalov, Dekel Rosenfeld, Erez Shor, Dror Ben-David, Shai Meretzki, Shulamit Levenberg, Dana Egozi. 2017. Engineering vascularized flaps using adipose-derived microvascular EC and MSC. The journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 12 (1), e130-e141.
Book chapter
Dekel Rosenfeld and Shulamit Levenberg, Effect of matrix mechanical forces and geometry on stem cell behaviour. Book chapter: Biology and engineering of stem cells niches, 2017
Dekel Rosenfeld, Shira Landau, Yulia Shandalov, Noa Raindel, Erez Shor, Yaron Blinder, Herman Vandenburgh, David Mooney and Shulamit Levenberg. 2016. Morphogenesis of 3D vascular network is .regulated by tensile forces. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(12): 3215–322.
Alina Freiman, Yulia Shandalov, Dekel Rosenfeld, Erez Shor, Sofia Segal, Dror Ben-David, Shai Meretzki, Dana Egozi, Shulamit Levenberg. 2016. Adipose-derived endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells enhance vascular network formation on three-dimensional constructs in vitro. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 7 (1), 1-12
Ayelet Lesman, Dekel Rosenfeld, Shira Landau, Shulamit Levenberg. 2016. Mechanical regulation of vascular network formation in engineered matrices. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 176–182.
Egozi Dana, Shandalov Yulia, Dado-Rosenfeld Dekel, Freiman Alina, Ben-Shimol David, Levenberg Shulamit. 2016. Engineered vascularized muscle flap. JOVE.
Yulia Shandalov, Dana Egozi, Alina Freiman, Dekel Dado-Rosenfeld and Shulamit Levenberg. 2015. A method for constructing vascularized muscle flap. Methods.
Dekel Dado-Rosenfeld, Itai Tzchori, Amir Fine, Limor Chen-konak and Shulamit Levenberg. 2014. Tensile forces applied on a cell-embedded 3D scaffold can direct early differentiation of embryonic stem cells toward the mesoderm germ layer. Tissue engineering Part A. 21 (1-2), 124-133.
Yulia Shandalov, Dana Egozi, Jacob Koffler, Dekel Dado-Rosenfeld, David Ben-Shimol, Alina Freiman, Erez Shor, Aviva Kabala, and Shulamit Levenberg. 2014. An engineered muscle flap for reconstruction of large soft tissue defects. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111 (16), 6010-6015.
Dekel Dado-Rosenfeld and Shulamit Levenberg. 2013. Induction of Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis in Cell-Embedded Biomaterials. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 53 (9‐10), 815-820.
Lichen Rozitsky, Amir Fine, Dekel Dado, shahar Nussbaum, Shulamit Levenberg, Gilad Yossifon. 2013. Quantifying continuous-flow dielectrophoretic trapping of cells and micro-particles on micro-electrode array. Biomedical Microdevices. 15 (5), 859-865.
Dekel Dado, Maayan Sagi, Shulamit Levenberg and Assaf Zemel. 2012. Mechanical control of stem cell differentiation. Regenerative Medicine. 7 (1), 101-116.
Dekel Dado and Shulamit Levenberg. 2009. Cell–scaffold mechanical interplay within engineered tissue. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 20 (6), 656-664.